There’s an old adage that the market takes the stairs up and the elevator down.

It refers to the slow gains over time versus the losses which can happen fast.

What if we could make the market’s “stairs” work more like an escalator?

You could go up further, faster than normal!

We think we may have found a way.

Welcome to the Escalator Project

The first test was successful. We crushed our wildest hopes. We ended 2023 up 59.41% Want in?

We have found a unique situation in the markets wherein we can enter and exit positions in certain ETFs at the right time. In combination with careful and changing position sizing, this is a risk-averse medium-term investing strategy.

We watch the market everyday so that you don’t have to. We have found a way enjoy the incredible upside of some fast-moving ETFs and how to also mange the risk of loss which might come with an ETF whose price changes quickly. By joining us, we take the guesswork out of how to enjoy the upside of a fast-rising ETF without worrying about losing too much when it changes directions on you. We have found a way to do it, we tested it, and it earned over quadruple the return of the S&P 500 in 2020. None of our trades lost money in 2020.

If you are an incredibly experienced day-trading genius, you probably have a way to do something like this.

If you’re not, you can join us and we will take the guesswork out of it. We can’t tell you why we’re making certain investments or why we’re getting out without giving away our “secret recipe” but we can tell you what to buy or sell and when to do it. If you can receive text messages and if you will then follow the instructions within them, you can join us and follow along.

Since trades can happen at any time, if you join us we will text you with what to do and when. We will not act before you have a chance to.

Since this strategy uses trades which will probably be less than a year in length, this strategy will incur income tax rates on capital gains if you are following this in a taxable brokerage account. While it is possible to follow this program in a taxable brokerage account, following this strategy in a tax-sheltered account should result in lower taxes. Consult with your accountant or other qualified tax professional.

This unique program remains a highly specialized test of a systematic non-discretionary strategy which may change over time.

Good dog

Good dog

Published by RB Research.
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This work is based on SEC filings, current events, interviews, corporate press releases, and what we've learned as financial journalists. It may contain errors, and you shouldn't make any investment decision based solely on what you read here. It's your money and your responsibility.