
If you are here...

It’s because you are either a personal friend or family member of one of the founders of RBResearch or you were invited by one.  Some of you will have found us through social media or though word of mouth and we welcome you.  Please share in our success.

This site isn’t for everyone, however, because this site is about how we are investing our own money. Investments can and do lose money (although we are fanatical about not losing too much -- in fact, most of our outperformance over time comes from not participating in market crashes).

If you have consumer debt (credit card debt or car loans), pay off your debt first and then, please come back to us when you have some money saved up for the express purpose of investing.  We look forward to showing you what we're doing so you can have better results too!

These are the programs we designed to allow us to safely earn reasonable gains. 

The AlphaDogs portfolio isn't an aggressive portfolio, our goal was to be safe and easy to follow, we believe it will beat the market over time but aggressive gains were not our primary goal.  

The Trend Following program seeks to enjoy the long term uptrends of the broad market and avoid the downturns.

The Escalator Project is a top secret trading project that we are testing and we may release it, or not, depending on how it works out.

These ideas are what we have told you about at Thanksgiving, family dinners, poker games, family get togethers and wherever else stories are swapped.  We care about you and we want you to have similar success.  But we can’t do it for you, we don’t have the time to hold your hands through each step.  We thought this was the easiest way to share the steps we are taking.  Those of you that are willing to make the investments on your own can choose to follow along, or not.  

If you choose to follow along, we will tell you what we are buying (or selling), when we are buying (or selling) it and how much of it we are buying (or selling).  You will have to open your own accounts, make the trades yourself, and live with the consequences just like we do.  

If you join us in the Trend Following Portfolio there will be much less to do - usually nothing needs to be done!

Keep in Mind...

We are invested in the stock market, not every investment makes money.  Sometimes certain positions are up, sometimes they are down, this is how the free market works.  If you want to follow us on this journey you may do so but, fair warning, it could be a bumpy ride.

We usually change our AlphaDogs program investments once a month, at the beginning of the month.  We call this "redistributing." We will announce everything we are doing at least one day before we do it so you can do it before us.  Every so often one of our positions will hit a stop loss, meaning it has dropped more than an acceptable amount for us. When that happens we will issue a stop loss announcement, notifying you that we will be selling all of our shares of that position.  These can come at any time.  

The Trend Following program does not follow a set schedule. We will let you know when to take action on this program.

The Catch

We ask that you help defray the cost of running the website.  We charge $7.99 a month for this.  We realize this may be prohibitive for some of you.  If that is the case then you likely shouldn’t be investing what little money you have in the stock market.  

You can cancel at any time, you won’t hurt our feelings.
